Sunshine Girl

Sometimes you just need to stop and blow some bubbles! My 4 year old loves bubbles… maybe all 4 year olds love bubbles, but on this particular Saturday of Easter weekend we made sure to get outside in the sunshine and enjoy the bubbles whole heartedly! I’m so glad we did… With the rushing around that every day brings it seems like I forget to stop and just enjoy the magic that is being 4. Her mind is simply awesome, the stories she comes up with and the imaginative scenes she draws are incredible and I hope that I never forget the way she says “mama”, because that sweet little voice won’t last forever. It’s days like this and bubble filled moments like these that make me so grateful God blessed me with her… she’s my unicorn!

Change is Beautiful

Since 2011 I have been meeting incredible families and little ones, capturing their love and making their memories last forever... My little business began as a hobby and quickly grew into a full time career - with my husband by my side, he literally came to every single session and even shot backup for all my weddings. 

The scene has changed a bit over the years... Chris no longer is able to accompany me to all my sessions, no more providing dads with distracting humor and making the little clients giggle - he now stays home with our almost 4 year old baby girl who is the love of our life!  But one thing has remained the same... I continue to find inspiration in the light and the love that is shared between each parent and child I meet - it's like watching magic being created in real time. 

I'm so grateful to the families that have stuck by me from the very beginning and the little loves that have grown up so quickly right before my eyes - you all make this so worthwhile! 

My clients rock!

Madison Family Photographer