Halfway There

6 months ago a tiny wrinkled baby boy was born into our world and we haven’t been the same ever since. We named Giovanni after his Great Grandfather and his Great Great Grandfather, both from Italy, who equally shared a deep love for family and a great pride for working hard. I think Gio will carry these same traits with him into his life, because already we can see the deep love he has for his sister and the careful way he explores his toys and the world around him. He’s our little lion… and we are so very lucky to call him our son.

It’s so hard to believe we are halfway to his first birthday, it almost isn’t fair how quickly children grow up! So instead of dwelling on how fast time is passing us by, we’re going to grab his chubby baby cheeks and kiss them for as long as we can… because we’re halfway there BABY, and each day with you is oh so sweet!